
Eureka Data Academy Bootcamp teaches highly applicable skills for data analysis and visualization that can benefit professionals and companies in any industry.

It’s a fact: Companies care about what you can do, not what you say you can do. For that reason, our curriculum teaches you how to put what you’ve learned to work on real-world data analysis projects, from visualizing bike-sharing data in New York City to mapping earthquakes worldwide in real time. Our students learn how to navigate, engineer, and translate complex data systems into useful resources that employers need.

SQL for Data Analysis

This comprehensive 12-week SQL curriculum is designed for a diverse audience, including:

  • Beginners: Individuals with no prior experience in SQL or databases who want to build foundational skills.
  • Professionals: Analysts, engineers, and other professionals seeking to enhance their SQL proficiency for real-world data analysis tasks.
  • Job Seekers: Aspiring candidates preparing for SQL interviews in data-related roles.

The program takes participants from the basics of SQL to advanced topics, equipping them with the skills needed for data cleaning, analysis, and performance optimization. The final capstone project consolidates learning by solving a real-world data problem, ensuring readiness for professional or interview scenarios.

Introduction To SqlWeek 1


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • What is SQL? Overview of relational databases.
    • Basic database concepts: tables, rows, columns.
    • SQL syntax and structure.
    • Introduction to a database management system (DBMS) like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite.
  • Hands-on Practice:
    • Setting up a database environment.
    • Writing basic SELECT statements.
    • Practice with simple queries to retrieve data.

Basic Sql QueriesWeek 2


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • Using SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses.
    • Filtering data with comparison operators and logical operators.
    • Sorting results with ORDER BY.
    • Limiting rows with LIMIT or equivalent.
    • Using CASE WHEN THEN statements
  • Hands-on Practice:
    • Writing queries to filter and sort data.
    • Retrieving specific rows based on conditions.
  • Exercises
    • Recyclable and Low Fat Products
    • Find Customer Referee
    • Big Countries
    • Article Views I
    • Invalid Tweets

Advanced Select And JoinsWeek 3


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • Introduction to joins: inner joins, left joins, right joins, and full outer joins.
    • Combining data from multiple tables.
    • Understanding foreign keys and relationships.
  • Hands-on Practice:
    • Writing queries with different types of joins.
    • Analyzing data from multiple related tables.
  • Exercises
    • Triangle Judgement
    • Product Sales Analysis I
    • Employee Bonus

Aggregation And GroupingWeek 4


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • Aggregate functions: COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX.
    • Grouping data with GROUP BY.
    • Filtering grouped data with HAVING.
  • Hands-on Practice:
    • Writing queries that summarize data.
    • Combining GROUP BY with HAVING for meaningful insights.
  • Exercises
    • List the total slots booked per facility
    • Project Employees I
    • Percentage of Users Attended a Contest
    • Students and Examinations

Subqueries And Nested QueriesWeek 5


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • Writing subqueries in SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses.
    • Correlated vs. non-correlated subqueries.
    • Using subqueries for filtering and calculations.
    • Common Table Expressions
  • Hands-on Practice:
    • Writing queries with nested subqueries.
    • Filtering results using subquery outputs.
  • Exercises
    • Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions
    • Confirmation Rate
    • Managers with At Least 5 Direct Reports
    • Last Person to fit in a Bus
    • Produce a list of costly bookings, using a subquery

Advanced Joins And Set OperationsWeek 6


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • Self-joins and their applications.
    • Cross joins and Cartesian products.
    • Set operations: UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT (or MINUS).
  • Hands-on Practice:
    • Writing queries using self-joins.
    • Combining results with set operations.
  • Exercises
    • The Number of Employees Which Report to Each Employee
    • Members Recommendations

Data ManipulationWeek 7


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • Inserting data into tables with INSERT.
    • Updating data with UPDATE.
    • Deleting data with DELETE.
  • Hands-on Practice:
    • Modifying data in a sample dataset.
    • Restoring original datasets for further practice.
  • Exercises
    • Insert some data into a table
    • Insert multiple rows of data into a table
    • Update some existing data
    • Update multiple rows and columns at the same time
    • Update a row based on the contents of another row

Working With Strings And DatesWeek 8


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • String functions: CONCAT, SUBSTRING, LENGTH, UPPER, LOWER.
    • Date and time functions: NOW, DATE, YEAR, MONTH, DATEDIFF.
    • Formatting and manipulating strings and dates.
  • Hands-on Practice:
    • Writing queries to clean and manipulate data.
    • Formatting output for reports.
  • Exercises
    • Return a count of bookings for each month
    • Find facilities by a name prefix
    • Perform a case-insensitive search
    • Pad zip codes with leading zeroes
    • surname starting with each letter of the alphabet

Advanced Analytical FunctionsWeek 9


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • Window functions: ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK, LAG, LEAD.
    • Aggregate window functions: SUM, AVG, COUNT over partitions.
    • Using OVER() and PARTITION BY for analysis.
  • Hands-on Practice:
    • Writing queries with window functions.
    • Analyzing data trends over partitions.
  • Exercises
    • Rising Temperature
    • Rank members by (rounded) hours used
    • Find the top three revenue-generating facilities
    • Calculate a rolling average of total revenue

Data Cleaning And TransformationWeek 10


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • Identifying missing or invalid data.
    • Techniques to handle nulls: COALESCE, ISNULL.
    • Data transformation using SQL.
  • Hands-on Practice:
    • Cleaning messy datasets.
    • Creating new columns with transformed data.

Performance OptimizationWeek 11


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • Understanding indexes and their impact on query performance.
    • Writing efficient queries: avoiding unnecessary computations.
    • Query execution plans and troubleshooting slow queries.
  • Hands-on Practice:
    • Analyzing query performance with EXPLAIN.
    • Optimizing slow queries.

Real-World Applications And Capstone ProjectWeek 12


What You Will Learn:

  • Topics:
    • Building complex queries for real-world problems.
    • Data analysis workflows in SQL.
    • Visualizing SQL results with tools like Tableau or Python.
  • Capstone Project:
    • Analyze a sample dataset (e.g., sales, customer behavior, or employee performance).
    • Write a report summarizing insights derived from SQL queries.

Bonus Week (Optional)Week 13


What You Will Learn:

Technical Interview Prep Discussion and Hands-on